to Richard Hoagland, "Cairo" means city of Mars.
With the relay of information from thousands of miles out in space, the Viking Mars probe caused the kind of sensation that one would expect to catch your eye in the line of a grocery store check-out line. But this was real... What NASA and the public saw eventually, was a 1,500 foot high "face" staring out into space from the surface of the Cydonia region on Mars. This image was initially dismissed as a trick of the light by NASA . Other images were discovered which had been taken by the Viking probe at a different sun angle... and the face was still there.
Also present on these photographs were additional anomalies
perhaps even more impressive than the face itself. One of the greatest
of these, a five sided pyramid nearly two miles wide arranged exactly 1/360th
of the martian polar diameter from the face. This pyramid was also pointing
to the face. There was also discovered what appeared to be a city complex
so oriented that all three structures arranged to form a perfect equilateral
The face itself was rather strange,
apart from being on the surface of Mars to begin with... it seemed to represent
a human being, wearing a head dress.
This embellishment is strikingly familiar to the headdresses worn by
Egyptian and Mayan royalty. There was also a conspicuous absence of facial
hair on the effigy, implying that it was either a young man , or a woman
. This would
support the contention that the Egyptian sphinx represents a cherubim,
while also representing the beginning and the end of the Gospel in the stars,
the zodiac...Virgo and Leo. Since previous pages established that pre-fall
civilizations of cherubim, headed by Satan, lived on the "rolling
stones of fire", the planets, it isn't surprising to see the representation
of a cherub on Mars.
androgynous Cydonia face has a stylized leonine headdress, and computer
enhanced photos of the face show that the darkened side seems to be that
of a lion, according to Richard Hoagland. This points again to the message
of Christ's first advent, Virgo, and second coming to establish the Millennial
Kingdom, Leo.
Previous pages explained how Satan was created to lead the angelic hierarchy, the Sons of God or ben Elohim, ruling over physical civilizations of angels on planets, such as the one still in evidence on Mars. After Satan rebelled, the center of his angelic civilization was destroyed "from among the stones of fire", yet the Bible tells us Satan is still waiting for the time of God's judgment. Satan is not in hell, he is still allowed audience before God, where he accuses the faithful (Rev.), and he still roams above and within the earth (Job). Since Satan is the most beautiful and powerful cherub, Prince of the Powers of the Air, intelligence behind UFO phenomena, the authority over all the aerial regions outward from earth, why is he so concerned with the planet Earth and the goings on of humans? Satan knows he and his angels will soon be stranded on Earth, "a place no longer found for them in heaven"(Rev. 12:8), and they must prepare the Earth to welcome them at their arrival.
When Satan and his angels rebelled, God destroyed their literal dwelling places. According to scripture this
destruction was swift and decisive. The fifth terrestrial planet which
God calls "Rahab" (boaster, pride), was obliterated. Job 26:11-13:
Satan is described as a snake trying to escape the judgment of God, symbolized by the constellation Draconis. Draconis winds itself between the Big and Little Dipper, which represented to the ancients, the "flock of the good shepherd" and the "stronghold of the saved".
Significantly, the path that the comet Hyakutake took through the heavens in the spring of 96 was between the handle of the Big Dipper, the flock of the good shepherd, and Arcturus, meaning "He comes". The book of Job describes these two constellations as "Arcturus and His train", a good shepherd leading his flock. As a portent of things to come, comet Hyakutake appeared to bisect these two constellations.
One year after the sign of Hyakutake, the comet Hale-Bopp will appear
from Sagittarius--"the double-natured one", depicted as a cherub in older zodiacs--and continue it's path through the constellation Opheuchus, The Serpent Holder. Hale-Bopp, a comet that has been linked to the ancient myth of Typhon because it seems to change shape, fork, spiral, and shift like a serpent, will follow the Serpent held in the arms of Opheuchus, of the One restraining. On March 9th 1997 an eclipse of the sun will darken the skies of Israel, allowing the comet Hale-Bopp to be visible during the day. Surely the people of Israel will see this as
some kind of omen.
This cosmic herald is scheduled to be it's brightest around the time of Passover 1997, the date arrived at in previous pages for the signing of the treaty between Antichrist and Israel, the beginning of Daniel's 70th Week.
NASA has unintentionally provided evidence of a
civilization on Mars, evidence that is much discussed by such theorists
as Richard Hoagland. Analysis of the geology
of the Cydonia region, where the artifacts or "unnatural-looking formations", are situated, revealed that the site was once
covered by a shallow inland sea. The "city complex" seems to have been aligned
exactly due west from the "face". There is evidence that the shoreline of
the sea following the margin of the "city".
Computer enhanced images of the face have revealed startling eyeball with a pupil and even teeth in the mouth. Closer investigation
of the anomalous five-sided pyramid detailed buttressing at the corners
of the massive structure. All this attention to detail would be preposterous
if these objects could be explained away by the scientists at NASA, but
they cannot be! NASA is officially silent concerning the "explanation"
of the Cydonia region.
Richard Grossinger, in his foreword to Hoagland's book
The Monuments of Mars sheds some light on the timeliness of this
discovery and it's effect on the world,
"Richard Hoagland believes that fear as much as indifference keeps
us from acknowledging the face, i.e., from even confronting the dilemma
of whether it is natural or artificial. Something in our nature doesn't
want to "face" ourselves in this way; the reflection, after all,
is just as potentially damaging to the rigid priesthood of Western science
as it is to the officials of Western religion. If a human face is there
on Mars, it blows just about every orthodoxy wide open...A face on Mars
is such an unlikely thing at this stage of our history and in our present
crisis that its confirmation could literally crystallize us in a new way,"
Mr. Grossinger's comments are not only significant with respects to his grasp of the Cydonia phenomena's effect on the human psyche, but also in regard to the implications it poses to institutions of religious thought. Not only are these views psychologically accurate, but they are prophetically accurate as well. Few people living on this planet can lay claim to a foundation of objective truth which would persevere in the face of a "Martian revelation". Society thrives and flourishes on stability and routine and human nature directs us along paths of least resistance and complexity. All sciences continually strive to encapsulate and generalize that which can be known. The well traveled road of the "status quo", the accepted and recognized, is difficult to abandon.
Unless humanity is motivated to change by forces beyond
itself, it never easily recognizes the truth. But then the truth of Cydonia
will not avail itself even with the keenest scientific scrutiny. This is
because of the essence of the message itself.
From a secular viewpoint, the obvious conclusion
drawn after the revelation of Cydonia, is that "man is not alone in the universe".
This "discovery", will not factor God or His angels into the
"life on other worlds" equation. Proof that "Martians" did or even
continue to exist further distances mankind from the lessons God intended
in the words of the Gospel. Secular mankind is prey to the deception that
ANYONE EXCEPT the rebellious angelic host, the ben Elohim, inhabited Mars. So many are willing to make the "leap of faith" to
accept intelligent beings inhabited the Cydonia region of Mars, a view that until recently could be viewed as
crazy, yet these same "open-minded" people consider it completely outlandish
to conclude that the explanation for other intelligent beings, their
on other planets, and their current place of residence in the atmosphere and
aerial regions outward from Earth has been right in front of us all the Bible.
Speculation as to the nature of the builders of Cydonia
will, no doubt, be considered worthwhile only if associated with the New Age,
Eastern traditions, or even Humanist philosophy, which have been embraced by
those of a scientific bent. The appropriation of the "All is One" credo of Eastern Mysticism
to account for the coincidences, synchronicities, and outright obvious patterns inherent in
"scientific" disciplines has replaced the true wisdom of the Bible. Of course there are
similarities, universal laws, strangely repeating patterns and intricate "chaotic"
mathematical equations discernible within creation...the universe comes from the Mind of One Creator.
If an intellectually superior race of beings did exist before man, are they the gods of pagan
cultures? Did they inspire the works of the Bible? Does man really need
a savior? How does the saving work of Jesus on the cross apply to "aliens"?
The incredible meaning contained in the monuments of Mars confounds and
perplexes all who have already rejected the truth.
In the later months of 1996, NASA will begin launching a series of probes to Mars. After the initial probe is launched, another will follow every ten months. The first, called the Mars surveyor, is outfitted with the latest in high technology viewing systems and has the capability to resolve objects down to one square meter. It shall reach it's destination late in 1997, a crucial time discussed in previous pages concerning the tribulation. The Mars surveyor will then begin a global mapping sequence by setting itself in a polar orbit around the planet. The pictures will conclude beyond a doubt the true nature of the Cydonia region. Collective humanity will then be faced with the enigma of the structures on Mars. The world will demand answers, the devil will be happy to oblige.
Watcher Ministries
P.O. box 9351
Missoula, MT 59807